
Litter bix
Litter bix

If these tests are negative for medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, bacteria in the urine, intestinal parasites, bladder stones, or arthritis, your veterinarian will study your pet’s at-home behavioral history for environmental factors. First, all medical conditions must be ruled out before concluding that the reason is behavioral, which requires several diagnostic tests, including bloodwork, urinalysis, fecal examination, and potentially, X-rays and an ultrasound. Finding the root cause of housesoiling is challenging. Schedule an appointment with your AAHA-accredited veterinarian if your cat is eliminating inappropriately. Inappropriate elimination often has no single cause, which makes it difficult to accurately diagnose and manage. Unhappiness with litter choice or type of litter box.Intact male or female cats marking their territory.Perceived threats, such as stray or wild animals coming close to your home.New family members or pets in your home.Having an intact male or female cat in the home.Medical conditions are easier to resolve than behavioral issues, which may include: If your cat is inappropriately eliminating due to a medical condition, she may be suffering from one of the following: Housesoiling is categorized as medical or behavioral-unfortunately, they often are closely intertwined, so differentiating between the two can be an extensive, frustrating process. Instead, she may be stressed that her home life has changed. Your cat didn’t urinate on your new boyfriend’s sweatshirt because she’s jealous. But don’t despair if your home has become a giant litter box-many methods are available to treat, manage, and prevent inappropriate elimination. If your cat’s social, physical, or medical needs aren’t being met, housesoiling commonly is how she will indicate that something is wrong. Cats don't urinate and defecate all over their home out of spite, but rather because something is lacking. Housesoiling is one of the most common reasons cats are abandoned or surrendered to a shelter, which often leads to euthanasia.

Litter bix